Everyone is different and every student has a different way of learning. It is therefore important to put the student first when considering the best curriculum. I tailor my lessons to each individual, depending on age, experience, learning style and student goals.

I can work from graded syllabuses such as Rockschool or Guildhall Trinity and have several years experience preparing school age children their National Qualification Exams(SQA). However, becoming a good musician does not require doing exams. With most students, we will discuss and set goals together in an initial lesson based on things such as musical taste, current ability, time commitment and general motivation level. I then create a customised curriculum to help the student achieve their own goals and fully realise their potential as a musician!

For beginners, lessons generally are 30 min, once a week. 30 min allows the most efficient use of lesson time without overwhelming a beginner student with too much information and homework!

60 min lessons are also available for intermediate and advanced students or beginners who are making good progress and feel they need the increased instruction.

Weekly lessons are the best way to get the most out of learning an instrument and are the most conducive to steady and rapid improvement. However, I do offer one off or block bookings if a regular schedule is difficult to commit to.

If you are interested but not sure drumming is for you, I suggest trying four lessons initially. It usually takes several lessons to see if a teacher or instrument is the right fit. If you are not sure and would like to discuss, or if you have any specific questions about the lessons and what to expect, get in touch here and I will respond promptly.


Individual lessons cost £22 for 30 min or £44 for an hour

Direct Debit Subscription payment is also available for weekly lessons. Lessons on a monthly subscription cost £20/30min or £40/60min. Payment is taken in advance each month and pro-rated over 10 months.

Lesson schedules are in line with Glasgow school holiday calendar. Subscription based students may book additional lessons during holiday times at the same discounted price. For exact dates please click here.

Don’t hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions!